Rotunda of Saint John the Baptist in Muta



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Rotunda sv. Janeza Krstnika v Spodnji Muti
Spodnja Muta, SI-2366 Muta
Phone386 (0) 887 96 00

The Rotunda of Saint John the Baptist in the hamlet of Spodnja Muta near Muta is an 11th-century Romanesque rotunda with an Early Gothic sanctuary added. Fourteenth-century wall paintings survive in the church and the wooden painted ceiling is from the late 16th and early 17th century.

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Rotunda sv. Janeza Krstnika v Spodnji Muti +
46.611 +
Rotunda sv. Janeza Krstnika v Spodnji Muti +
15.169 +
SI-2366 Muta +
Spodnja Muta +
The Rotunda of Saint John the Baptist in the hamlet of Spodnja Muta near Muta is an 11th-century Romanesque rotunda with an Early Gothic sanctuary added. +
The Rotunda of Saint John the Baptist in the hamlet of Spodnja Muta near Muta is an 11th-century Romanesque rotunda with an Early Gothic sanctuary added. +
+386 / 887 96 00 +
SI-2366 +
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